American Heart Month
Make your heart health a priority this month. Eligible HealthSelectSM medical plan participants can enroll in the Hello Heart program to support their heart health. Hello Heart’s blood pressure monitor connects to an app that makes it easy to track and is available at no additional cost.

It pays to shop for health care
With HealthSelectShoppERSSM, eligible HealthSelectSM medical plan participants, including Consumer Directed HealthSelectSM, can earn up to $500 in TexFlexSM flexible spending account (FSA) rewards per family each plan year for choosing lower-cost, quality providers for certain medical services or procedures.

Upcoming webinars
Feb. 11 – Fitness Connect Community – Register and attend to learn how to strength train for heart health.
Feb. 13 – Healthy Heart, Healthy You Webinar – Register and attend to learn about the five lifestyle changes you can make to improve your heart health.
Feb. 25 – Nutrition Connect Community – Register and attend to learn about nutrition practices for heart health.